ACOR Overview in Portuguese
Allegany Community Out Reach (ACOR) Grants provide short-term support to community-based organizations and projects that extend the mission and vision of the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany. Grants focus on improving health, wellness and quality of life in marginalized communities. Funding is limited to nonprofit organizations with an active and direct affiliation with the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany or Allegany Franciscan Associates, or that are a ministry of Trinity Health. Requests up to $10,000 will be considered.
Grant requests may be submitted for either general operating or program support. General operating requests support the organization’s overall mission and goals and should help strengthen the organization or further its charitable purposes. Examples may include strategic planning, technology upgrades, and infrastructure costs such as utilities, rent, and personnel. Program requests should be for specific projects and activities. Examples include nutrition education, food, shelter and clothing, and employment skills.
Priority will be given to organizations and projects that meet most or all of the following criteria:
*See Sample Agreement
There are two steps to the ACOR application. First, a brief LOI (letter of intent) application must be completed. Second, if LOI is approved, you will be invited to complete a full application.
Access ACOR grant applications through the Access Grant Portal link at the bottom of this page. If this is your first time applying, review the Grant Portal Instructions & FAQs also located at the bottom of this page.
If your previous application was declined, we recommend you speak with us before submitting another request (see contact information below).
We offer two ACOR grant cycles per fiscal year (July 2024 – June 2025) with the following deadlines.
Total Awards
We anticipate making up to 30 grants with individual grants up to $10,000 for one-year term.
Past Grants Awards
*LOI and Full Application grant questions are provided in advance for reference only. Applications must be submitted online using the Access Grant Portal button located at the bottom of this page.
In order to be eligible for an ACOR Grant, your organization MUST already be actively and directly affiliated with the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany, Allegany Franciscan Associates, or be a member of Trinity Health before applying. Examples of affiliation include: having a Franciscan Sister of Allegany or Associate serving as a board or staff member, or volunteering with your organization.
Unfortunately, there’s no affiliation or connection to obtain, it’s more about whether your organization or project already has an affiliation (or involvement) with a Franciscan Sister of Allegany, a Franciscan Sister of Allegany Associate, or your organization is a member of Trinity Health. The ACOR funds are intended specifically for those. If you don’t already have the affiliation needed, we ask that you don’t submit an ACOR Letter of Intent (LOI) which is the first step in the ACOR application process.
If your organization completes a full application for an ACOR grant and is not funded, a new request can be submitted during the next available grant cycle.
A report is required at the end of the grant period. Reports will either be a verbal report to be completed with the Allegany staff person overseeing the grant or a written report submitted through Allegany’s online grant portal. Reporting will include organizational updates, challenges encountered/lessons learned, and an accounting of grant funds. Reporting schedule information for your organization’s awarded grant can be found in Allegany’s online grant portal in your grant agreement.
Contact Erin Baird for grant program questions and Carla Batts for grant portal questions.
Applications must be accessed and completed through our online grant portal. Returning and new applicants and active grant partners can access the grant portal here.
Contact Carla Batts at [email protected] for questions about Grant Portal.