Protecting People & The Planet

Climate Justice & Care for Creation

Meaningful financial, human, and social capital for climate justice and care for creation

"We are faced not with two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but rather with one complex crisis which is both social and environmental."

Allegany Franciscan Ministries has embarked on a long-term strategic initiative to address the effect of climate change on communities of color and other historically marginalized communities, to protect people and our common home. We acknowledge the ongoing marginalization and disenfranchisement of BIPOC and LGTBQ+ populations, and people with disabilities, and the disproportionate impact of climate change on these communities. For Allegany to create meaningful change, our efforts will prioritize these groups, and be locally, within Florida.

Our long-term goal is that everyone in our communities will have the resources, support, and opportunities necessary to thrive in the face of multiple risks, uncertainty, and threats caused by climate change.

Our first open grant cycle. announced in January 2024, addresses education and awareness throughout Florida specifically related to the impact of extreme heat on outdoor workers or others exposed to extreme heat, and the issue of climate gentrification and housing. It also will provide funding to build community voices by developing or strengthening coalitions of people who care about and will take direct action on these issues. In addition to this open grant cycle, in 2024 we’ll work to cultivate and strengthen relationships with climate-focused organizations. Click here to visit our Current Funding Opportunity web page.

Allegany Franciscan Ministries anticipates investing significant human, social, and financial capital in Climate Justice & Care for Creation at least through 2028. Our mission, vision, and core values will continue to shape our planning and program development, establish the basis for evaluation, and facilitate continued critical reflection and long-term organizational learning. Allegany anticipates that our beliefs and approaches will evolve over the life of this initiative.

Sign with image of earth with "One World".

Check back on this page and follow us on social media to see updates for input and partnership as we develop our Climate Justice & Care for Creation Initiative.


Contact Diedre Houchen with questions related to the initiative, partnerships and grants and Carla Batts for technical support with online grant portal.

"Today, however, we have to realize that a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate questions of justice in debates of the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor."

Person holding "Climate Justice" sign.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Allegany’s board and staff team considered our vision, mission, and values, working both to understand who we are and what we have accomplished, and to think about what community issues align the most with what matters to us and what we do best. Through this process, we identified and adopted Climate Justice & Care for Creation as a new strategic priority focus.
Climate Justice advocates for solutions that address the disproportionate climate impacts on people of color, women, people with disabilities, people who are economically poor, and those who live in under-resourced neighborhoods and communities. Climate justice recognizes that people who’ve done the least to cause climate change are the ones who suffer the worst of its effects, like flooding, drought, rising sea levels, and heatwaves. Care for Creation is a principle in Catholic social teaching, calling us to protect people and the planet, and to live our faith in right relationship with all of God’s creation. Promoting care for creation means resisting irresponsible consumerism and uniting to address, and work to reverse, the impacts of environmental degradation and global warming.

A report is required at the end of the grant period. For larger grant sizes or multi-year grants, the Organization may be required to complete one or more additional reports. Reports will either be a verbal report to be completed with the Allegany staff person overseeing the grant or a written report submitted through Allegany’s online grant portal. Reporting will include organizational updates, challenges encountered/lessons learned, and an accounting of grant funds. Reporting schedule information for your organization’s awarded grant can be found in Allegany’s online grant portal in your grant agreement.

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